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Fiscal Training - Payroll New User - At Buckeye Career Center (In Person ONLY)

March 19, 2024
9:00am - 2:00pm

Online registration for this event has ended.

Do you have newer staff?
This event is geared towards you. 

OME-RESA Fiscal is having an introductory training/review of USPS. 

The intended audience of the event: Fiscal Payroll Staff and/or support
Recommend knowledge level: Beginners, Intermediate, users with 2 years or less experience
Description of event: This will be an all-day training developed to assist users in gaining confidence in navigating through and applying changes in the USPS payroll system. Users will complete the payroll process from beginning to end.
Topics covered:

  • Entering Payroll Updates and Changes (including adding employees)
  • Beginning the Payroll Process
  • Entering Payroll Exceptions
  • Posting the Payroll
  • Creating and Sending Email Notifications
  • Retirement Reporting
  • ODJFS Reporting 
  • Processing Employer Paid Benefits
  • Direct Deposit Processing
  • Processing Payables

Location: Buckeye Career Center
Virtual or In-Seat: In-Seat
Credit Hours: 4.5

Please come with any questions you may have as a roundtable will be available at the end of the session (if time permits).

There will be a 30-minute break for lunch. Please bring a sack lunch.

Course materials will be sent via email to all registered users the week of the event.

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